References from Satisfied Clients

Petra Tojslová
Our family has been visiting Ailee for the past 3 years and Ailee has been working with me during the past 2 years. Since I live abroad, I have been able to seek Ailee's treatment in person only when I visit the Czech Republic. My stay abroad, however, does not prevent me from asking Ailee for help whenever I need it, as Ailee has been providing me with distance energy healing.
I live in a different time zone and, therefore, Ailee is able to work with me when I am asleep, which is better, as both my body and mind are resting. As soon as I get up after the agreed energetic distance healing I feel that Ailee had made me feel better — my body feels like 50 kg lighter, head is clear and I feel like a super woman that can manage everything.
While I always like to see Ailee in person and know that healing "in natura" with Ailee is very beneficial, I feel energetic effect during the distance healing as stronger, fatigue is gone and my body works as it should. I am glad that I found my way to Ailee and that whenever I need, I can always ask her for help.
Petra, state Virginia, USA
August 06, 2011
Mr. Honza Španbauer
I keep visiting Ailee since about 3 years and I still wonder again and again, what an extraordinary session it is each time.
I haven't met anyone yet who would so naturally do healing on so many levels.
For me, Ailee is a healer, psychologist, teacher and above all an astonishing human being, that inspires me and helps me continuously to be my own man.
She is a firmly true-speaking person teaching me how she lives herself.
Her stamina, humour, sincerity, and loveful understanding are a proof for me that even on this "convict planet" it is possible to live a happy and meaningful life.
I can't even find words good enough to express my gratitude for these SESSIONS.
Honza Španbauer
41 y.o.

Mrs. Lucka Španbauerová
Why am I visiting Ailee?
My heart has called for help and found it at in Ailee's hands. I'm curing my soul, mind and body. I had always been looking for someone like Ailee. Today, when I consider what all I imagined, what all I needed, it is actually a miracle to have found it. Ailee is an angel, a teacher, big and loving mother, a friend, a wise woman. She's incredibly brave, witty and luminously good being. She is a hope for the way out of troubles on this convict planet.
I wish myself to wake up from imagination and ilusions, to stand fast on my own and to be happy in a perfect way, but I am worried so much and try myself such little (even though), I learn how to trust myself again, to give love, to breathe, to be myself, this is in fact how I would build it up, I learn how to think freely, creatively and to the point. With Ailee, with her love, understanding, humour. How to perceive myself, my own mistakes, my own life and how to take the full responsibility for it all. In other words, how to grow up, to be independent and to be able to help and serve the good things. How to show myself open to the light, to the truth, to God. It's easy to write it down, but in reality it's sometimes so painful, that I don't want to imagine to do that - I put a stress on this - without her incredibly kind caring presence.
I visit Ailee to feel her warm touch, joy, tears, sincerity and individuality.
I visit Ailee so that she helps me to wake up and to stand the look at real life as it is. So that I am able to perceive moments as they come during my life, to LOVE MY LIFE, to GIVE LOVE in to dissolve in LOVE all fears and barriers, that have source in my nescience.
I visit Ailee so that I am able to love in depth and be a loving being.
I visit Ailee since I LOVE her!
Lucka Španbauerová

Mr. Vašek Klotzberg
Getting wisdom about itself.
Getting answers to questions, which subconciously follow me all my life. Why am I her on the Earth. Where am aiming to, what kind of human being am I.
Since the very first visit I have the feeling as if all splinters of a complex mosaic, that I was not able to collect, are being collected together.
A feeling of inner peace.
Vašek Klotzberg
Mrs. Andrea Bímová
My whole family keeps visiting Mrs. Koudelková regularly since 3 years. I personally had suffered good 5 years long from spring to autumn by pollen allergy, of course an enormous tideness was the result. I have changed my job that time, we started to build a family house as well. It has been hard times for me, especially my psyche.
Even before, we had been interested in alternative medicine, foremost by reading articles in available magazines, sometimes we even visited a healer upon recommendations. The breakpoint as we have gained contact to Mrs. Koudelková. In fact, she has found us quasi herself, when she has used services in the company of my husband and his father. Well and since then, she used to be "our Mrs. Koudelková".
Dear Ailee,
we would like to thank you a lot for your love, the great co-operation and all the time you've spent by solving our problems. You have taught me not only to solve the problems of others, but mainly to think of myself. Namely if the human being itself is healthy without any problems, he/she can help even the others without any energy loss.
By the way, 2 years ago the allergy has disappeared, and your gentle hands have positive effect on me during the therapies. Anyway, it is important to believe in what we do and of naturally to have a positive approach to our lives.
Thanks a lot one more time.
Andrea Bímová
Nov. 2010, Rovensko p. Troskami
Mrs. Hana Klusáčková
I willingly support the work of Ailee and Dag Koudelka, right away I will explain why am I visiting them already since 3 years. Love, joy of life, of nature, comprehension and help while learning how to enjoy the life, how not to hurt ourselves due to BAD WISDOM and the others by foolishness.
And above all the HEALTH.
Empathy and laws of the universe should not be strange to noone of us, therefore I am glad to be able to express my big thanks and acknowledgement for their work.
One of the natural laws is gravitation. Everything is in our "head" and all what we want we just attract.
Ailee is a very able therapist. She will help you not only concerning the physical health, but also to understand some things happening around all of us.
In few words → who doesn't go through → doesn't percieve → has no experience.
Big thanks,
Nov. 1, 2010

Mrs. Laďa Hladíková
My name is Laďa and I visit Mrs. and Mr. Koudelka for therapies since 2003, when I got a recommendation from my friend and work colleague.
It was in time when the Crohn illness entered my life and I was looking for all possible ways how to turn myself being fine again and to get rid of his disease. Thanks to Ailee, I percieved a lot since then and simultaneously got cured of the disease, so I am very thankful to her.
She helps me till nowadays and each time I'm looking forward to the next visit and therapy in their friendly presence.
There is always what to learn and what to work about and even when it sometimes hurts a lot, I always experience immense relief and appreciable energy when I'm leaving them to go ahead to overcome the barriers that wait for me in my life.
With love and respect,
Laďa Hladíková
Nov. 2, 2010

Mrs. and Mr. Štěpán
My name is Jana Štěpánová, and I come from Železný Brod. I used to visit Mrs. Ailee already since one year, as I had serious health problems with my spine, which we succeeded to remove thanks to her therapy. Even my husband started to visit Mrs. Koudelková, as he had suffered from bad headaches. In virtue of the therapy, he has no headaches anymore and the health state of both of us has turned much better. My husband had an accident of spine (resulted in spondylosis) and the surgeons did not recommend any operation, since the injury pressed on the spinal cord. After the therapy of Mrs. Koudelková, the very strong pain went aside. We would like to thank here for her kind and attentive care and above all for the energy, which made our lives much better and richer.
Mrs. Jana Štěpánová
Mr. Oldřich Štěpán

Nov. 21 2003
Mrs. Marcela P.
My name is Marcela and I come from Jablonec nad Nisou. I am looking forward to each healing therapy of Mrs. Ailee Koudelková, always being a nice relaxation surrounded by peaceful atmosphere. I am a patient of Mrs. Ailee since one year and already in a short time I could see I got clear of my problems - namely a high blood pressure and gynecological troubles (mycosis). The therapies give me energy and good moods for my life. I am pleased to thank Mrs. Ailee in this way and I can recommend her therapy to everyone, who does not want eat pills anymore and wants to feel at ease.
In Jablonec nad Nisou
Mrs. Marcela P.
Mrs. and Mr. Olejníček
I and husband had sensed some health troubles. According to a recommendation, we have started to visit Mrs. Koudelková, who helped us removing our pain spots, thus the health state of both of us goes better and better both physically and psychically. Therefore we can recommend also to the others, who need some help - like we did.
Thanks for the care.
Mrs. and Mr. Olejníček Jana and Josef
Mrs. Mgr. Eva Paldusová
Nowadays I can already say how glad I am about a recommendation to visit Mrs. Ailee Koudelková by a friend of mine. Today I can confirm by my own, how great one feels after her healing therapies both physically and mentally. At the beginning, I had some gynecological problems, which my doctor solved by prescribing pills. I was feeling sick of eating the pills, since I have always been rather for natural healing. Like sooner, as I had a headache, rather than eating a pill, I had gone for a walk or I had got asleep when knowing about my sleep deficiency. I am bound to Ailee for feeling well again, fixing up my monthlys, and even getting off the pain. Moreover, I got a lot of new and interesting knowledge about how actually all the human body parts logically work together and that there are apparently not suitable any forced actions. At the moment, I am still a short-term patient, but since Ailee's activity helps me on all hands, I intend to carry on my visits and I am always looking forward to the next time.
In Paseky nad Jizerou
Mgr. Eva Paldusová

Mrs. Lenka Štochlová
I used to be a client of Mrs. Ailee Koudelková since about a year even if we personally know each other since about twenty years. After the first therapy, which I attended in September 2002, I felt like having seen a miracle from day to day. Ailee has poured energy directly to my blood and I felt new power to dance and I was floating on air. I actually did not have any serious health troubles, but anyway, during the year I have changed my general way of thinking and the relationship to myself. My self-confidence has grown and my view of the world and behavior to the others has changed essentially.
Dear Ailee, thanks!
In Mladá Boleslav, Nov. 27 2003
Mrs. Lenka Štochlová